98752a 1280x1024 monitor
98752a monitor works with 98550A
98779a 19" monochrome 1280x1024 monitor
98782A 19" color monitor
98785A 16" color 1280x1024 monitor
for PC use:
BandWidth 25.2
HorizSync 63.07
VertRefresh 56.15
ModeLine "blah" 126.12 1536 1608 1968 2000 1102 1107 1114 1122 -vsync
I was really pushing it at 1536x1102 but it was stable. You'll probably want
try the following that I had for 1280x1024:
ModeLine "blah" 109.9 1280 1300 1724 1744 1024 1027 1037 1116 -
vsync -hsync